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Engaging Parents of Children with Sickle Cell Anemia and their Providers in Shared-Decision Making for Hydroxyurea (ENGAGE)

This Cincinnati Children's Hospital based study is open for enrollment at Howard University


Goal: To compare 2 dissemination or communication methods about hydroxyurea


     -ASH pocket guide (usual care)

     -HU shared decision making toolkit


Who is Eligible: 

-Children with sickle cell disease, ages 0-5 years and their parents. Children may have any genotype (eligible for hydroxyurea according to NHLBI guidelines – SS, Sβ0Thal, other genotype with complications)

-Not currently prescribed hydroxyurea

-Not said “no” to hydroxyurea previously

-May be as young as 6 months


This study is now closed at our site.


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